diumenge, 15 d’octubre del 2017



MALUMA(El Pretty Boy,Dirty Boy,Baby) is my favourite singer and I like his songs very much. His full name is Juan Luis Londoño Arias and he was born 1994 in Medellín,Colombia. Besides his identity as a singer, he is also a producer.
He is a very successful and renowned singer around the world for the last three years.
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Though reggeton music lovers mostly like his songs, a vast number of people whose first preference of music falls into other categories, also like him a lot.He is mainly a vocalist and song player but he can play a number of musical instruments including guitar, piano, bass guitar, violin and trumpet. He is basically a reggeton singer and undoubtedly he is one of the best reggeton singers for me.
His music touches the hearts of millions of people around the world and though he is mainly a reggeton singer, he has fans of different ages and of different music choices. His vocal, musical performance and lyrics make him an enviable and admirable singer in this profession

I like him mostly because of his distinguishable and remarkable vocal. The lyrics and music are extraordinary and whenever I listen to his songs, it gives me sensational feelings. Many of their songs have become parts of my life because I have danced in discos with their songs.Due to the lyrics of his songs, to the rhythm and pleasant voice, he has become my most favorite singer.



I came originally from a Russian family, the part of my mother's family was called Mileta and my father's family Tserno.

My granny from my father's side is called Vera, he has always lived in Rusia.My grandfather died 10 years ago, he had a heart attack at work.
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Nadia my granny from my mother's side lives in London, she lives in a house with his husband Bob.They are happy and have fun when we come to visit them.
I am very pleased to have some grandparents like these.

Olga my mum ,he was born in Russia,Sochi.She is a really nice person, she always helps other people and she is very kind, I think she is a really good mother because she always knows what is the best for her children, she to my gives me a lot of support in the sport and studies.

Sergio my dad ,  is a funny person but sometimes the me shout, he always makes me laugh and on bad days he can always make me smile,he always know to do in difficult situations, but sometimes he makes some fast decisions which we don't like.I love him a lot because it is a friend to my and I think that without him my life would be a disaster because it would not study, would not practice any sport and would be all day sleeping at home.
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My sisters name is Amina and Alina, they have 12 years old , they are very happy, funny and friendly but sometimes very annoying,they have many titles in swimming and they are very good in this sport.They are the best sisters.

My brother is called Arti, he is 21 years old, it is the best brother but sometimes we discuss, but I think that he is the one i can tell everything, we always help us when we are in troubleand we go together party.My brother is very good in handball but I am better.The is a very intelligent person and friendly.

divendres, 2 de juny del 2017


Resultado de imagen de gap yearI have been thinking about a gap year for a long time, but now it's a reality. After I finish my batxillerat I will take to rest and travel the world.. In my gap year I will be visiting as many places as I can, but I will go to Dubai and Las Vehgas. After I have been there for a few months in each place,  I will go to Puerto Rico and Costa Rica to spend a few months in every place, and after that the last month I will go to China.

Resultado de imagen de las vegasI will use Last minute, a page where you can pick any place of the world and go there.You have to pay the airplane, but when you arrive when I get there I will go to the Calvin Klein company to work as a director to raise money and then travel wherever.  I will be working in every country in the companyia Calvin Klein for 8 hours 6 days every week. The rest of the time I will have free time to visit the most exotic places of the country and go party with friends of the company..

The first thing I have to do is save money for travel. My plan is to work from June (after finishing the selectivity) until September , and in January 2019 I will begin my trip.
Resultado de imagen de dubaiI want to do this gap year for myself, to disconnect from the student life and think well what I want to do in the future and what I want to study in the university.
Always wanted after finishing the race to go to work in a foreign country to enjoy the other cultures.

I hope my wish for a sabbath year is fulfilled.


20B, Carrer Arrebasadas
Castelló d'Empúries, Spain

Dear Calvin Klein Company.

My name is Anton Tserno.I am 18 years old I have just finished the Bachillerato social.And now I am in the process of searching a job in a foreign country.

I have in different media that your Company*Calvin Klein,S.A.*that is in Australia is looking for a worker for one year of reviewer oft it's products and that need professionals related to the new fashions for Digitize the Company.I am sure that,because of my work profile,and the studes that I have performed in the last years,I could be very useful in this new stage.

I would like the opportunity to talk with you in an interview to tell you my knowledge,experience and some ideas that can help you improve your Company.

I am looking forward to your response.Best regards.

Anton Tserno
Resultado de imagen de calvin klein



Resultado de imagen de dam 999My favourite movie is DAM 999,because it is a fantastic movie and very interesting to see.Directed by Sohan Roy, who also directed another great and famous movie, JALAM. DAM 999 is an action and fantasy film. I watched it in December, 2011. 

There were many scenes that I like, but the most impressive scene was is when Vinay and his son Sam go to the hometown of their father who was Kerala, to meet Vinay's father for the first time. That scene is about all Kerala people telling their Vinay that they wanted where to find his father so he could talk to him. Finally, the Vinay finds his father in a hospital what is it a village doctor or 'Vaidyan' and is also a master in astrology and the ancient sciences. I think it is impressive because it is the greatest way to end the movie.

Resultado de imagen de dam 999 vinayMy favourite character of course is Vinay. Vinay was a brave, clever young man. I think it was not easy to persuade himself to take the task of never having met his father in life., but he still did it. And I really appreciate that he was willing to fight for achieving the goal of knowing his father.

There are many reasons for why I like the film. The special effects were so beautiful and looked very real. I just felt that I was ‘in’ the movie. And it was my first time to watch a 3D-movie! I felt very surprised that I could enjoy this kind of great effects!

I would definitely recommend this film to my friends. It is a meaningful story, and they can get good messages from it while watching the beautiful effects. I think they will enjoy the film and love it as much as I do.

dimarts, 30 de maig del 2017



I like many different types of music. Pop-rock is my favourite, but I also listen to classical or dance music, My favourite band is called Queen and my favourite singer is Elvis Presley, I love his songs very much  but there is one that I really like that is *Jailhouse Rock*.

When I'm stressed I like listening to classical music for example Mozart,it helps me to relax.

I really like Italian music, my favourite Italian singer is Nek,artistic name of the Italian singer Filippo neviani, was born on January 6, 1972 in the city of Sassuolo.I don't like heavy music because I think that  it's stressed stressful and noisy, but I like the songs with rhythm, such as those of Ricky Martin. I think  are the songs that everyone likes. My favourite song of the album of Ricky Martin is *Livin'La vida loca'*.

I really like going to concerts, Maluma was the last concert I've been to. It was in June in Tenerife in my  holidays with my family. It was very funny. There were a lot of people.

I like listening to music in the morning when I get up and in the car when I go or get when I go to school. In the car I like listening to dance music(reggeton,pop).

I really like the music but I've never had the pleasure of playing a musical instrument.


Resultado de imagen de robotic animalsThe Horniman Museum
The Horniman Museum in London is hosting an exhibition that allows children to understand how the natural world works through robotic models of animals.
The robotic platypus, for example, has large flashing red lights on its bill which represent the animal’s electroreceptors, which pick up electrical pulses given off by anything alive. Visitors can also catch bugs, use bat sonar and interact with creatures normally only seen in textbooks. Velcro is used to demonstrate how a housefly can stay on the wall, and it sucks up its food like a vacuum cleaner.


The Horniman Museum in London is hosting an exhibition that allows children to understand how the natural world works through robotic models of animals. Visitors can also catch bugs, use bat sonar and interact with creatures normally only seen in textbooks.

In my opinión...
My first impression: what a scary new!
I think this is depressing. Are we really doing all so bad that we need to replace with robots, incredible living beings from whom we can learn some things?Of course those robots can help us survive, but I don't think it's the right way to start tomorrow's present. We're lucky this new hasn't become popular.
It's surprising that after lots of years studying the animals we still discovering new things that make us work hard to understand them.But I think it's a good idea to teach how animals live.


Platypus (an unusual Australian animal which has a bill like that of a duck)
Bill (beak)
Velcro (a thing made of two parts which can stick together; used in clothing or other areas).