diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2016



A Chinese man lost an ear during a tragic car accident and ever since felt incomplete. Doctors in the city of Xi'an are trying to change that.

To begin the pioneering procedure, they took cartilage from Mr Ji’s ribs and then cut the cartilage into the shape of an ear. Subsequently, they implanted the cartilage under the skin of the man’s forearm, which was perhaps the most complicated and dangerous step but it was a success.

The artificial ear now needs to grow for at least another three months before the final surgery when it will be transplanted onto his head.

Mr Ji has gone through many operations since his accident, not only for his ear, but also for his skin and cheeks. He hopes that the operations will eventually bring him back a normal life.


A Chinese man lost an ear during a tragic car accident and ever since felt incomplete. To begin the pioneering procedure, they took cartilage from Mr Ji’s ribs and then cut the cartilage into the shape of an ear. And so they made him an ear on his arm to not feel strange.Now the artificial ear needs to grow up for a few months and then the doctors will operate another time and they will cut off the ear of the arm and they'll put the ear in the side of his face.


I think it was a good idea as it would be the first man to have an ear on his arm.This would be like a tattoo or ear décor in your body.


Cartilage-A flexible material of the body.
I.E-That is.

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